2020 we had hoped to see a better season, unfortunately we seemed to have a repeat of 2019, some areas received good summer rainfall which helped them achieve a better outcome.
Again the short season Wheat Vixen & Havoc have performed well, barley plantings were down due to overseas turmoil in the markets, but the Intergrain barley Maximus CL has performed well & all our production growers were happy with their outcome. There will be good supplies of Maximus CL available.
Intergrains new Oat Kingbale the Imi Tolerant has had a lot of interest but we wont see a release until Feb-March 2021 pending Sentry registration.
Wheat – Vixen has done well which isn't surprising considering the dry and short year, Rockstar growers have been happy with its performance it will be interesting to see how it yields. The new AGT Hammer CL Plus is an imi-tolerant Mace type that has had a lot of interest and is in short supply. They also have the new Sting which is a shorter season variety that has also performed well this season.
Along with the Maximus CL Intergrain have also got two new Imi tolerant barleys IGB 1908 & IGB 1967 one line will move forward in 2021, AGT have the new Beast Barley a reasonably short season variety that will do well in the wheatbelt.
PBA Bendoc is the new Imi tolerant Faba Bean which may be useful in the rotation with people who have plantback issues, it has grown well this year on low rainfall.
Good quality seed Oats will be short we will have a supply of Williams & Bannister but these will be limited so orders must be placed early to guarantee supply.
Pasture seeds also look to be in limited supply again but we will have a small supply of Inspected 99% Dalkeith Sub Clover orders must be placed early to guarantee supply, we will also have a good supply of Balansa Clover.
All our products have been field inspected during the growing season & are all tested for purity and germination.